Old rice for feeds will be promoted in February in Korea


The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) plans to sell the 99,000 tons (based on the amount of unpolished rice) of old rice, to carry out part of the ‘Special solution for managing the amount of old rice in 2016’.

Source: http://www.mafra.go.kr/list.jsp?&newsid=155447693§ion_id=b_sec_1&pageNo=1&year=2016&listcnt=10&board_kind=C&board_skin_id=C3&depth=1&division=B&group_id=3&menu_id=1125&reference=2&parent_code=3&popup_yn=N&tab_yn=N


(Searched and summariced by Dr. Byung-Hoon Lee)
