Government to start project for enhancing rice consumption for the young in Korea
On July 20, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) announced that it is working on a project called ‘Mi (meaning ‘rice’ in Chinese Character) racle Project’ to increase rice consumption. ‘Miracle Project’ is designed to create a new and friendly image of rice for younger generations who prefer desserts including cakes and ice flakes with rice.
On July 20, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (MAFRA) announced that it is working on a project called ‘Mi (meaning ‘rice’ in Chinese Character) racle Project’ to increase rice consumption. ‘Miracle Project’ is designed to create a new and friendly image of rice for younger generations who prefer desserts including cakes and ice flakes with rice.
Source:, Aug. 17, 2015
(Researched and summarized by Dr. Jeongbin Im)