Taiwan: Council of Agriculture holds “Forum on Export Platform for Taiwan Guavas,” taking first major steps towards exporting guavas to the US


The sanitary and phytosanitary regulations for the export of guava from Taiwan to the United States officially took effect on October 17 (US Eastern time). After efforts over the last ten years to review documentary information, do in situ verifications, and hold numerous consultations, the Council of Agriculture (COA) has finally broken through the barrier of US sanitary and phytosanitary rules, making Taiwan the first country in Asia to export guava fruit to the US.

The COA states that in 2018 Taiwan exported 2,840 metric tons of guavas, worth NT$153 million. The five major export markets were Canada (55%), mainland China (22%), Hong Kong (17%), Singapore (5%), and Malaysia (1%). These figures show that measures taken by the COA to construct an export platform for agricultural products and consolidate traditional markets while developing new markets in Europe, the Americas, and Southeast Asia have already produced concrete successes.

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