Taiwan: Help rid the ocean of its ghosts


The waters that surround Taiwan and the nation’s role in the world’s oceans have been the focus of top-level attention this year, as the government has endeavored for the EU to lift its yellow card on the deep-waters fishery industry and to win passage of the Ocean Basic Act (海洋基本法).

The EU on June 27 removed Taiwan from its list of uncooperative nations in the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, while the Legislative Yuan passed the act on Friday last week.

The act is intended to ensure Taiwan sustainably uses the sea and its resources, and facilitates collaboration on international marine affairs by educating the public about the oceans, building a high value-added marine industry, promoting environmental friendly measures and engaging in international maritime exchanges.

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) and other officials this week talked up marine education, recreation and protection. Tsai spoke about encouraging the public to learn more about the oceans and develop an interest in fishing, while Su said that Taiwan as an ocean nation needs to pay tribute to the sea.

Read more here.
