Japan: Abe’s fourth Cabinet picks Taku Eto as new MAFF minister to lead steady development of agricultural policy reform


The fourth Abe Cabinet was formed on November 11. It appointed Taku Eto as the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. Eto, a first-time minister, used to be an assistant to the prime minister Shinzo Abe. He is an expert of an agriculture and forestry policy in LDP. Abe intends to strengthen efforts to address Japan-US trade agreement, swine fever and all other urgent agricultural issues and drive the reform of agricultural policy with the appointment of his close aide. Eto indicated that he would consider reviewing the outline of the policy regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP), taking into account the Japan-US trade agreement.

At a press conference, Abe told the press that Eto knows everything about agricultural policy. He voiced expectations for Eto as a person with a worldwide perspective and front-line experience. Eto should “carve out a path to a new era of agriculture, forestry and fishery industry so that young farmers can look forward to the future,” the prime minister said.

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