
ABSTRACT In Myanmar, vegetable production is a major component of food safety strategy. Cabbage is such a vegetable vastly attacked by various kinds of pests. Wide and unsystematic use of pesticides and thus their residues are the main challenge for food safety. Inadequate food safety knowledge...
ABSTRACT Potato is an important cash crop for many farmers in the rural area of Myanmar and especially in the hilly region of Southern Shan State and riverbanks in the lowlands in Magway Region. The consumption of potatoes in curries, crisps and French fries increases substantially in the coming...
ABSTRACT This is a research that will let the reader have a glimpse into how farmers in the Nay Pyi Taw area are facing the challenge of increasing fertilizer, pesticide and herbicide prices in recent years. A total of 759 respondents from 8 townships in Nay Pyi Taw were interviewed about their...
ABSTRACT This study investigated how access to irrigation contributed to crop income and livelihood improvement in the study area in Myanmar. The study was conducted in the Pyawt Ywar pump irrigation command area in Myinmu Township, and stratified random sampling was used to collect data from...
Country: Myanmar Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT The most used natural fiber in making clothing is cotton. Cotton also produces cottonseed oil which is used in cooking, baked goods, and salad dressing, and meals and hulls which are used for livestock, fish feed and fertilizer. Cotton is one of the major industrial crops that is widely...
