Jeong-hun Ji

Department of Agrifood System Research, Korea Rural Economic Institute, Naju, Republic of Korea

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ABSTRACT The spread of Coronavirus Disease-19 (COVID-19) in Korea made people stay at home, which yields that households reduce their frequency of going to supermarkets and grocery stores to buy foods and that many households make order delivery or take-out of foods instead of eating at...
Country: Korea Topic: Agribusiness
ABSTRACT The recent outbreak of COVID-19 in South Korea has significantly changed food consumption behavior. While sales in the restaurant business declined as consumers who concerned about infection refrained from going out, the number of having meals with family members at home increased,...
Country: Korea Topic: Overview
We estimated the decrease in the amount of agricultural product purchases by calculating the change in restaurant sales and the change in agrifood for school meals after Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak based on the data from NAVER Co., Ltd. and Statistics Korea (KOSTAT). The results...
Country: Korea Topic: Overview