Agricultural risk management

ABSTRACT Crop insurance is one of the more important branches of agricultural insurance, and because of global climate change, it is becoming more important for the financial wellbeing of the agricultural sectors across many countries. However, because many commercial insurance companies do not...
  ABSTRACT A famous insurance professional said, “Insurance is the first choice and the last choice.” The axiom means that we cannot get any protection without buying insurance but cost of insurance is so high that we have to engage loss control to reduce the total cost. One main...
Introduction Insurance is an instrument that is used to manage risks. In agriculture, insurance is a tool used to manage risks arising from the production of commodities, price variability, as well as climate and weather uncertainties. Risks from production is normally addressed by technological...
Recently the extreme winter season caused a sever cold front and made very serious agricultural losses in Taiwan. Scholars asked the government to protect agricultural production from the loss of natural damages by using the agricultural insurance system. Council of Agriculture (COA) responded to...
Introduction The United Nations Millennium Development goals are to reduce hunger and poverty. This was the main reason for the UN declaration of the International Year of Rice in 2004. Rice is the source of more than 500 calories per person per day for over 3 billion people (FAOSTAT). By 2010,...
