Agricultural cooperatives and farmers' organizations

ABSTRACT Currently, there are 18,638 existing cooperatives in Vietnam. Of these, 10,204 cooperatives are into agriculture and fishery. The economic cooperation sector and cooperatives have attracted 13 million farmers and small production facilities. The cooperatives have been undergoing a...
ABSTRACT Agriculture is one of importance sectors in every country. In general, agriculture activities are carried out by small farmers of less than one hectare and they work individually. They rely on middlemen in the agricultural supply chain because it is not worthwhile to market their...
ABSTRACT The livestock producers in Japan continued to be exposed to the wave of the free trade such as TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership) and EPA (Economic Partnership Agreement). In the past, livestock producers in Japan was exposed to the competition against the low priced imported beef...
ABSTRACT   Original agricultural marketing channel is from farmer through middleman shipping to consumers.  The middleman with market information could influence the market. 1981, Taiwan government passed the Agricultural Products Market Transaction Act (2012.11.28) to help...
INTRODUCTION The system of agricultural cooperatives, known as the JA Group, plays a pivotal role in the structure and economics of Japan’s agricultural sector1 Although there is no legal requirement to join the JA Group, all Japanese farmers belong to the organization. JA Group has a...
