Rozhan Abu Dardak

Rozhan Abu Dardak

Dr. Rozhan holds a bachelor’s degree in Resource Economic from Unversiti Putra Malaysia, MBA (International Business) from the Birmingham Business School, England, and Doctor in Business Administration (DBA) from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He served as a Research Officer at the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI) for 32 years.

He has vast experiences in undertaking research on marketing agricultural produce, innovation management and technology transfer/ commercialization of technology. He presented more than 50 papers at the local and international seminars and conferences, and published more than 100 articles, books, chapter in a book, research papers, annual report and manuals.

He was appointed as the Director of  Economic, Social Science and Agribusiness Research Center, the Director of Strategic Planning Center, and his last position before retired in 2019, was the Deputy Director General ( Development and Operation) MARDI.

Join FFTC-AP since 2015

Latest Submission from Malaysia

ABSTRACT Rice is the staple food of Malaysian people. Malaysia produces more than 1.55 million tons of rice yearly, equivalent to 73% of the local requirement. The demand for rice is projected to increase due to the increase in population. However, rice production is decreasing every year. Rice...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT Rural communities are always associated with backward economic activities and traditional ways of life. Despite representing around 25% of its population, the rural community is essential to Malaysia’s economic development. The rural areas are a source of food through its agrofood...
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ABSTRACT Malaysia has always been a trading nation. Strategically located along the Straits of Malacca, it sits on a major shipping channel that connects the Indian Ocean to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east. Malaysia recognizes the importance of international trade and relations to the...
ABSTRACT This article discusses the application of modern mechanization technologies in Malaysia's four industries (paddy, pineapple, oil palm, and rubber). The application of modern mechanization technologies in the agriculture sector in Malaysia is moderate. Almost all farmers in these four...
ABSTRACT Animal feed is one of the factors that hindered the development of the livestock industry in Malaysia. Malaysia is relatively as a small country that lacks land area for grazing. Thus, Malaysia imports more than 3.5 million tons of corn every year as a source of material for animal feed...
Country: Malaysia Topic: Overview
