
The paper was initially submitted for the VASS & FFTC-AP Policy Forum titled 'Circular Agriculture for Sustainable Healthy Diets: Perspectives and Policy Implications in the Asian and Pacific Region,' which took place on July 19, 2022. It was subsequently completed after the workshop and was...
ABSTRACT Layer chicken is an important part of the poultry industry in the country. Previously, Taiwan's domestic egg production was utterly self-sufficient. Recently, however, the country has produced fewer eggs due to culling of the island's hen flocks owing to seasonal avian influenza virus...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Agriculture
ABSTRACT Taiwan is an island nation located in East Asia that has undergone rapid industrialization and urbanization in the past few decades, resulting in a growing rural-urban divide. To bridge this gap, Taiwan’s government has implemented various rural development policies that aim to...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Rural development
ABSTRACT In response to increasing climate risks and adhering to international trends to achieve carbon emission reduction targets by 2030 and a net-zero emission goal by 2050, Taiwan adopted the new “Climate Responsive Act” on January 10, 2023. The “Climate Responsive Act” is a comprehensive...
Country: Taiwan Topic: Climate change
ABSTRACT In the past decade, the Ministry of Labor in Taiwan has actively pursued the development and implementation of Occupational Competency Standards (OCSs) in various industries to better align talent cultivation with the demands of Taiwan’s labor market. These standards provide clear and...
