
ABSTRACT In the 1940s, Singapore was a major center of research and experimentation for tilapia breeding and its ponds yielded promise for meeting food requirements. Tilapia was first brought into Singapore by the Japanese community during World War II and, when the tide of World War II turned...
Country: Singapore Topic: Fisheries
ABSTRACT The Singapore-Riau leg of SIJORI is useful as a case study for analyzing agricultural exchanges in sub-regionalism. The 2000s saw the take-off stage of SIJORI with agri-businesses taking off in some of the Riau Archipelago’s constituents and there was also diversity in the types of...
ABSTRACT From the 1970 to the 1990s, Singapore's ornamental fish industry organically expanded and some fish farms like Qian Hu perfected the method of oxygenating delivery bags of fishes for overseas customers. The authorities also carried out water quality regulatory interventions, tightened...
Country: Singapore Topic: Fisheries
ABSTRACT Dry rice was first introduced to Singapore out of necessity by the wartime Japanese administration in Singapore. In the 3-year Food Sufficiency program, the ‘Grow More Food Campaign’ motivated Singaporeans to cultivate common crops like dry rice using all available spaces including...
Country: Singapore Topic: Overview
ABSTRACT The large southern state of Johor in Malaysia is rich in both cash crops and agricultural resources. In the cash crop category, for example, oil palm can be utilized for producing biodiesel while its food supply farm facilities features livestock (and dairy products like milk and eggs...
Country: Singapore Topic: Overview
