National food security resolution

National food security resolution

Published: 2016.06.06
Accepted: 2016.06.06
Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural development of Vietnam

On 23 December 2009, the Government issued Resolution No. 63 / NQ-CP on ensuring national food security. Accordingly, this issue must be within the overall strategy of socio-economic development with the goal of industrialization and modernization of the country and the task of resolving the problems of agriculture, farmers and rural areas, of which,  poverty reduction, jobs creation and increase of income for people are important. Besides, the other policies are implemented for farmers, local enterprises which produce and trade rice. It is the policy of encouraging rice farmers to keep their land with the implementation of synchronous solutions to reduce production costs, increase incomes for rice producers, ensure that rice production is profitable at 30% of production cost; and continue to implement policies to support farmers to build terraces in the mountains.

Food security issues have always been particularly paid attention by Party and State in directing, in order to ensure national food security in both the short and long term. The objective of this policy runs until 2020, and vision 2030 has been crafted to ensure enough food supplies with higher output rate compared to population growth; termination of food shortage and hunger, improving the quality of the meal; ensuring that farmers produce rice with the average benefit of 30% over the cost of production.

To ensure food supply, the local farmers continue to promote intensive rice production, especially in the Mekong Delta, Red River Delta, creating a solid supply that ensures national food security in the short and long term. Specifically, by 2020, the target is to protect 3.8 million hectares of land for rice production with 41-43 million tons of rice to meet the total demand for domestic consumption and exports of about 4 million tons / year; increase corn acreage to 1.3 million hectares and production of 7.5 million tons; fruit growing area of ​​1.2 million ha, yields of the cash crops increased by 30%; livestock meat production of various kinds reaching 8 million tons, 1 million tons of fresh milk, poultry eggs of 14 billion eggs and poultry; fishery exploitation with output of 2.4 million tons, aquaculture output of 4 million tons.

Besides the issue of ensuring the food supply, the Resolution also provides for ensuring nutritional needs. Specifically, by 2020, the goal is to improve the nutritional status towards nutritional balance and raise the average calorie consumption per day to 2600-2700 kilocalorie / person and reduce the proportion of malnourished children under 5 years old less than 5%. Improve the structure and quality of food consumption, to achieve an average consumption / person in 2020.  Ideally, the goal is to: reduce to 100 kg of rice, 45 kg of meat, fish of all kinds of 30 kg, 50 kg of all fruit types, 120 kg of vegetables, increase consumption in the market to achieve the targeted food safety and hygiene.

In addition, the resolution also proposes to ensure the access to food of the people, such as termination of food shortage and hunger by 2012 and after 2012, ensuring that 100% of people at everywhere have enough food at all times; guaranteeing income for food production by 2020 with 2.5 times higher than at present.

To implement this policy, the Ministry of Finance is responsible for leading, coordinating with the related Ministries, PPCs, and cities directly under the Central management to amend the Law on State Budget towards increasing development investments in the  agricultural sector and rural areas; regulating the state budget allocation to ensure interests among the local places having conditions for industrial development with local places having agriculture production, especially for rice cultivation. Continue to improve organizational forms of food production in the direction of linking farmers to form cooperatives and cooperative groups by location or products, facilitate linkage from production to consumption enterprise; farm economic development, food production enterprises.  Farmers can contribute their value of land use rights as equity to participate in the enterprise; developing a network of agricultural service providers in the process.


Date submitted: June 3, 2016

Reviewed, edited and uploaded: June 6, 2016

